Sunday, March 25, 2012


It is very interesting to me that over the last few months, my perspective has changed about loosing weight and exercise. You see, the last week or so, I have been doing very little in the way of workouts. Sure I have been walking and active, but really zero gym time or serious conditioning time.

This has come about due to some BIG work and life stressors, that have required some serious time and action on my behalf. Long hours and lots of stress do not make for a happy little boy! It has also meant that my diet has been less than perfect (admittedly, still a great deal better than it used to be).

Yet despite all of this, I have not let that be an issue for me in regards to my weight loss and fitness. All of a sudden, it feels like I can do this. I feel confidant that I can pick this up again. I am ok with the fact that I need to be at work more for a little while, and that i can still get great rewards coming back in a week or two. I guess i am more relaxed about my needs in this area of my life, and the needs of my life in general.

I know for a lot of you, you will be going "duh", but for me this is a great feeling.

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