Monday, February 13, 2012

My plan

OK so having the motivation to do something is great, I find that I need a plan to make it happen. So here it is.

I have started eating basically paleo (a few slips here and there, but over 90% clean food). Unweighted and unmeasured. Eat when I am hungry, trying for some carbs, fat and protein each meal, but sometimes I do not hit that. Why plaeo (and I know some will disagree with me), but all the wellness training I did (mostly with Dr. James Chestnut of wellness practices) talks about paleo (or paleo style), and the research I have read has me well enough convinced that this is the best way for me to build overall health and wellness, and should give me some weight loss that I want.

In the past, I have been rather poor. My meals, by and large, have been ok, but I have been heavy on grains, sugar and processed crap. Interestingly, the food has not bothered me (ie I like eating this food), but I need to get much better at planning snacks/having the right food in the house when I cook. Thankfully, I am the cook in the house, so pretty much what I say goes, but my wife tends to have a lot of snack foods around, which is an easy temptation for me if I am not careful.

My exercise is going to be basically crossfit. I want to do a crossfit style workout 4 to 5 times a week, but I doubt these will always be in the box. I have a friend who owns a gym, and is happy for me to do whatever I wish in there (except dropping weights, no bumpers), and I have done a few cffb workouts in there. I used to get to my box for the 6 am session often, but often on very little sleep, and by the end of last year i was beat up, sore, and burnt out. i am trying to make sure I get enough rest, good enough nutrition to avoid that this year. So I am planning on getting to my box once or twice a week, and doing cffb at the much more convenient lunch times at my other gym (quite a luxury actually).

So yesterday I ate chopped fruit (apples, pears, raspberries and coconut), with chopped mixed nuts and almond milk for breakfast, I had mixed lettuce, tomato and capsicum and tuna salad, dinner was a minced beef and vegetable stir fry (boc choy, capsicum, broccoli, beans and spring onions). A cup of black coffee, 4 x 750 ml of water, and 3 or 4 green teas. I only went for an hour walk yesterday, as work was crazy, hopefully I will get more in today.

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